Colin just had a birthday a couple of days ago. Eight. Wow. I like to write both of the kids a note or something to celebrate the occasion. It's always a little something about how I feel about them, or who they're becoming, or to reflect on some part of their character or personality as those things develop. I was going to do this for Colin, but he ended up kinda writing it for me yesterday.
His Nana had slipped a ten dollar bill in one of his birthday cards. Colin has been saving---and I mean saving; I've actually given a bank teller a ONE dollar bill before--money in his little bank account. He says he's saving it so that he can "buy a truck when I'm 16". It's almost $150 now, and I'm so proud of him. Anyhow---I was sure he'd want to put that money right in the bank responsible-boy-that-he-is, but thought I'd ask if he'd rather buy a toy or something.
I think it may actually be the first time he's ever considered BUYING rather than SAVING---whose kid IS that? I digress...
So we headed off together to get some toys. I told him specifically in the car that the entire $10 was for him. HIM. Not to buy something for Sydney, not for his friend Luke, not for Daddy or for me...HIM. And, of course, if he had money left over afterward, we'd throw it in the bank. We headed straight for toys. He went down the Barbie aisle. "Just something small-ish for Sydney?" NO!
I redirected him, and we finally got to the aisles that would work for him. He held that $10 bill like it was made of GLASS, and slowly walked up and down the aisle doing the math. There was a really neat thing that he's been wanting, but it was $9.97, and he said he'd rather make the money go farther (it's like he's adopted?!). He finally settled on a toy for $6, and another one that was $2.97. I explained that this was gonna leave him with a dollar or so extra, and he said he knew what he would do with it. I assumed the bank, or maybe some candy in the checkout lane. Whatever. Good. Decision made.
When we got to the checkout counter he told me, "I've got this...I'll take it" (ouch--my heart)---then handed the cashier his two toys and his $10 bill. She handed him back a dollar and change. I was really trying to be quiet & let him handle things, but I gently reminded him that he'd forgotten about spending that last dollar.
He looks at me, cocks his head to the side and says, "do you think they have one of those buckets for the sick kids in the front of the store?".
I took his hand, led him to the display, he folded that dollar into the smallest little wad he could, and put it in the Children's Hospital container.
And then I fell to my knees
right there and hugged him just hard enough to make sure that I will never forget what I felt in that very moment.
Colin, you are an amazing boy. You are making a difference every single day, buddy. We are blessed, my friend.
I love you with my whole heart.
Love, Mommy