Empty platter? That's where the turkey goes...

We celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday. Well, at least, we TRIED to have a proper Thanksgiving meal yesterday. It all went really very well---right up until the part where I apparently can't cook a turkey. I know it's so cliche, but it's true! Turkey is really hard to get right, I swear!
We will be headed to Florida on Friday, and plan to be on the BEACH next Thursday...so Colin demanded that we have the full turkey dinner Thanksgiving thing before we left. We're doing Disney---stay tuned for those pictures. Eric in mouse ears? Oh, yes.
Anyhow---back to Thanksgiving.

Last year, we tried this really neat way of cooking a turkey where you not only put it turkey in the oven
upside down, but you also cook it at high heat for an hour, then put it down to like 180 degrees for like 10-12 hours. Last years' turkey was SO GOOD. So good. Except it occurred to me--as I pulled a pink slimy turkey out of the oven 11 hours after I started the process--that I didn't COOK last years' turkey. Someone else did. Someone who can do the math required to adjust the cook time to do the slow-cook-method thingy. I cannot be trusted with math. Or turkey.
So, we had a really nice family dinner. See the plate? Yummy, huh? A full Thanksgiving feast. Of veggies. And bread. And stuffing. And more veggies. And then there was the wine---lots of that---it made the whole "no turkey" thing not seem like such a big deal.