Today was the first big snowstorm of the year. Oh yeah, baby--8 inches of heavy snow with a nice layer of wet, even heavier CRAP on top. And oh yeah, baby...two weeks before they let the kids loose for 12 days! Apparently, the powers that be thought all of the parents in New Hampshire would like a BONUS day with their munchkins. Good thinkin'! Cause it wasn't like I had a list of errands or anything. Or plans. Or selfish hopes and dreams for this Wednesday. I did. Dashed.

Instead--we spent the day at home in our jammies. The kids' enthusiasm was contagious, though. We ended up making a big, fat, fun day of the whole mess. Sledding, snowball fights, angels & butt-prints in the snow (you must know we did the butt-prints first, yes?), and lots of other snowy fun.

Then we made gingerbread cookies with the recipe from Eric's Grandma Nadyne. Man, that woman must have had some serious biceps. The recipe makes a delicious cookie, but the thickness of that dough is a wooden spoon breaker. It's pretty much like using a rolling pin to get a brick smoothed to an even quarter-inch thickness.

Because the cookie thing was spur-of-the-moment, we had to improvise. Luckily you can't tell in the picture that the white "snowflake" sprinkles on the light blue cookie are actually white GHOSTS left over from the Halloween cookies. Sneaky. Throw in some food coloring & the ice cream sprinkles, and it's a PARTY!

Made homemade pizza for lunch, made an amazing Hoisin steak with rice noodles dinner, shoveled for an hour, washed the sheets from everyone's beds, got caught up on email, and came up with some good ideas on world peace. I'm thisclose to curing cancer---but it was a full day. I think I did enough. Maybe I can finish that up during the next snow day?