Look! WE MADE BUTTERFLIES!! Oh yes, we did.

All FIVE cocoons made it, and we now have 1-2-3-4-5 butterflies flying around in there! This may not seem like a big deal, but this is not even sorta the kind of thing I usually have success with. They are so cute, and they love their oranges & sugar water. We'll be letting them go next week, but for now it's so cool to watch them chill out in there.
But here's the thing.

Yeah, ummmm...that. No one--NO ONE--told me that anything other than a beautiful butterfly was going to come out of those cocoons. No one mentioned the ewwwww. I guess I just thought that they just kinda broke out, unfurled, and took off? Dude. Google tells me it's meconium, but Google lies.
That there? That's a bloody mess. You had to know I'd share it, right?! The kids' "awww"'s were quickly replaced with "ewwww"'s when they saw it all. Sydney was very offended by the whole thing, as was I---considering that I had a mouth full of cereal when I first saw it.
We are gonna put this down as a one time experience, because that nastiness is never going to get cleaned enough for us to keep that tent. It's smeared down the sides, man!
My supermom status is safe...after all, I did prove to the kids that we could turn caterpillars into butterflies. All set. Cute, yeah?!
Butterflies! from Jennifer Farris on Vimeo.