Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Here we go!

We're off! So many of those near and dear to us are just too far away to properly keep in touch. So--we've started this site so that everyone can stay "in the loop". I'll post the big stuff as well as the "minutiae" of our lives. We'll be posting photos, too. So, bookmark the page--and we invite you to visit often. After all--is your day really complete without hearing about potty training and our family trips to the zoo?!

We love you, and thanks for playing!


Anonymous said...

you are so funny and Napoleon Dynamite did do a lot for me but i was too shallow to admit it on my own blog! See we can be friends! Love u-Shell

Unknown said...

Touring your site has us feeling age twenty again with all the child rearing comments, you are doing a great job. Tony, Karen