Okay... sorry about the long break. Things just get so busy around here, and then a month has passed! I've put some pics of the two little monkeys on tonight. That should give you a CLUE as to why I'm so busy! Yes, that would be them insisting on not only taking a bath together, but doing it in their lifejackets. Whatever...you're only young once, right?!
The Harvest Party was tons of fun and a big success! Because it was so fun, however, I managed to miss capturing most of the action. So, here's one shot of Colin (pumpkin) with our babysitter Kelsey (scarecrow)! You get the idea!
Had the quarterly progress report from Colin's school, and he's really doing well this year. We're thrilled with the progress he's making academically, and his social stuff is really coming along. It's funny how it's so hard to see progress until someone sits you down & points it out! Sydney continues to be dramatic & hilarious. She went with me to Kentucky to see my brother, his wife and their daughters. They both do alot of singing/dancing/acting, etc. and Sydney got to see them perform in two Christmas shows. She is now asking for "glitter cheeks" every morning, dancing to ANYTHING that has a beat, and singing into any cylindrical object she can get her hands on. Too much.
We're good. Eric's wrapping up his jobs before things get too cold around here. I am busy doing everything you see in the pictures, and trying my very best to get enough time alone not to LOSE my grip. We are blessed, and we are happy.
Til next month...
1 comment:
Talk about show time, we visited our son Chris in Louisville this Spring and found it to be a very active theater area. Must fit right in with your family. Tony & karen Petrulio
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