Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cabin fever

It snowed again yesterday. Like 8 inches of fresh snow here. SUCKED. I spent this week mostly in and out of a Sudafed and Nyquil (often in combination) induced coma, and Sydney was out of school all week due to a "sprinkler malfunction" in her classroom. So this morning, I had HAD IT. I said, "kids-- go potty, get on some pants, and we're outta here". Snow, head colds, frigid temps...thinking we headed somewhere warm to work it out? Nope. Drove to Vermont. It's darn near tropical up there...!

Grabbed our buddies Shell & baby Clay and went to Quechee Gorge. Got stuck in a snowbank (thanks Shell!) , let both of my kids pee outside (pee-sicles?) at the Gorge lookout, bought some good old Vermont cheese, and let the kids choose some candy from the MILE long penny candy table.
It was a good day. A really good day.


Anonymous said...

Come on---not only did it sound like I GOT you stuck in the snow bank vs. being the "man" and nearly moving the car myself--BUT---even worse--my "head in the cow WHILE BEING FORCED TO moo" picture did not make it on your blog---my stuff makes it on the Beth Moore blog---but not the Jen Farris blog??? :) Love, Shell

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.