Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Okay--as promised--something about the trip to Florida. I went with my friend Shell (call her Shelly if you see her, though...she loves that), and we had a ridiculous amount of fun. We rented a convertible, cooked fat steaks on the grill, snorkeled for HOURS, laid around the pool, got really tan & hot lookin', and wanna hear the best part???? NO ONE called either of us Mommy for THREE WHOLE DAYS. Bliss.

I wanted to attach pictures, but realized that most of them are of two women who thought it was a good idea to be at a public beach in a bikini. Yeah--not gonna share those. I also realized that due to the extensive relaxation that was going on, neither of us actually put any makeup on until the plane ride home...which made for some rather unattractive photos as well. So--here's a couple. One in the convertible looking all young & cool, and another couple of us at a carnival that we skidded & did a U-turn over four lanes of traffic to attend.

Good times. Going back.

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