Friday, July 11, 2008

STOP if you're eating...

Ya know how they say that dog crates are so great because no dog will crap where they sleep?

Well--Pooch has once again bucked tradition.

And, if you must know, the sad truth is that the blanket he has in there actually caught most of it. The blanket and the WALL behind the kennel, that is.

You're welcome. Happy weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UM REALLY? What has the world come to that noone could comment on this...I hope more good things come your way to report to us...just so this picture scrolls down out of existence :) Funny how we all can realate though--remind me NOT to attempt to potty train my 2 year old boy (like I did today--I'm such an overachiever) until he is 3---since today he had a Pooch experience and decided that taking the "refuge" out of his diaper manually and carrying it to the potty---- not the same as going there in the first place---no pictures are necessary right??