Colin started SECOND GRADE (all caps because it really is that exciting) this week! He was so cute with his buddy Noah White down at the bus stop on the first day. Here are some pics from that morning. His teacher this year is Ms. Crane, and she seems great. She was our first choice, and has a personality that should really work well for Colin's learning potential---which means mostly that her personality is exactly the opposite of mine. Ha. He had all highs and no lows to report this week, so we're off!
I thought I'd pull out my old scrapbooks (thanks, Mom) and show him my elementary school years...particularly second grade. He was reading all of my little stories, laughing at my artwork, and checking out my class pictures. He noticed that when I was little, I was called Jenny and signed my schoolwork as such. We had a special time of snuggling looking at those books, then he hopped off my bed and headed out of my room.
At the door, he turned around and said, "Mommy? I'm so glad you don't let anyone call you Jenny anymore...because you were VERY UGLY when you were Jenny."! I thought of explaining to him that just calling me Jenny would not transport me back & drop me back into my 1981 perm and give me oversized plastic eyeglasses. But forget it....
sorry, you will ALWAYS be jennyshuler to me:)
HI Jen,
I have been sick for a week and have resorted to reading blogs. I have to say I haven't laughed this hard in at least a week. I remember the look you are describing like it was yesterday. I had a good laugh! I feel better.......thanks.
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