So here's what REALLY happened...
Colin loses tooth while on toilet. Mentions that it's a really good thing that he was pooping and not peeing, or tooth would have gone INTO toilet, instead it landed on floor. Excellent point.
Colin runs outside with tooth in hand and shouts. I am startled and knock little-tiny-almost- invisible tooth from his hands. Into the pile of leaves, dirt, sticks and grass I'm standing on.
Colin flips out that the tooth fairy cannot come if there's no tooth.
My friend Shell who was here gently explains that can't be true because LOTS of kids swallow their loose teeth by accident. Colin is momentarily silent as he ponders where a swallowed tooth would end up. Smart boy...gets a good laugh from that one. Then he gets back to business, because THIS tooth wasn't swallowed, oh no, it's right here in the grass. Panic passes between Shell and me. This is the WRONG kid to be swayed...he's gonna find the tooth or die trying.
I had saved his last being his first tooth lost and all...HA! Shell distracts Colin with the "looking" while I run inside and locate (buried, really BURIED in my drawer) the replacement tooth. Tuck found tooth deep into my hand and run back out to Shell to do the hand-off of tooth. Shell, a chiropractor by trade but CLEARLY an actress at heart, announces that "WOW!! LOOK!!! I FOUND THE TOOTH!!! IT WAS RIGHT HERE IN THIS PILE OF LEAVES!!!"
Day is saved. Colin is none the wiser. Yet. He's quite smart & most likely already had his baby teeth numbered and will note the discrepancy someday when I hand him the precious little box of all of his baby teeth...umm....minus one.
Parenting is lying. It just is.
Well, once he receives that box minus one, he'll see the illusion of his happy childhood evaporate like smoke, obviously.
Do you still have yours? Is this a Mom thing I have yet to discover? Keeping baby teeth? Cause it sounds like the beginning of a gory voodoo ritual to me. :P
Love, Auntie Katie.
HA! I don't believe I did all the lying--i thought you were the lead and I was the supporting actress? But then again I have no idea what I ate for breakfast, and can never remember the link to your blog. I just looked up Farris blog and found FARRISH blog and it reminded me of your "DEBBIE" impression of Jim Carrie!! HAHAHA! You are so funny! Love, Shell
You should ask Scott to save you some teeth incase this happens again
when Betsy lost her first tooth she was so excited that she wanted to bring it to Auntie E's, we did...Reed decided that he wanted to check it out and when he was done he tossed it in the driveway. why not he had a good look and he was done with it! lucky for him we really DID find it in the nice gravelly driveway!! ;)
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