I got all of this stuff for FREE today! Free! As in, $0.00. Like zero dollars and nothing cents total!
Shaw's has a rewards program for families with young children (called Ducklings...check it out), and every once in a while they give you stupidly stupid ridiculous coupons for stuff. Usually it's money off, but today's email was vouchers for FREE stuff. Did I mention there were no dollars spent? In FACT, folks...I even got register rewards totaling $2...so technically, they paid ME! HA!
Really, I know it's so fully lame, but this is truly the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a couple of days. Other than a really good episode of 24 and some good hummus eaten with a good friend last night, and being able to catch up on old DVR'd Ellen episodes while on the treadmill...this is really about it.
Bet you're all jittery with anticipation for the next post, huh?!
Nardos? Is that you?!?
Free stuff? That's it. I'm squeezing out a couple of kids, pronto!
um, what is that behind the aveeno?? only you would post a picture of that on your blog! :)
that's because Shaw's rakes you over the coals every other day of the week. ;)
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