Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Taylor Swift shower! from Jennifer Farris on Vimeo.

Caught my friend Colin in the middle of a "shower concert" last night. I don't know what my favorite part of this little video is.

The fact that it's a Taylor Swift song?
His expression when he realizes he's been caught?
The botched lyrics?
The key change halfway through?
Him asking if I'd like a nice butt shot?

Nope--I think the best part comes right at the end...when he thanks his fans. In a southern accent, no less.


Jen said...

HA!! only you would post a video of your son singing in the shower!! HAHA...that was classic!!

Unknown said...

That is so hysterical!
It is SO ROUGH being one of your kids. I really do feel sorry for them sometimes. But it's wicked funny for the rest of us. :)

Colin C. Farris said...

Ha! How could you take a picture of me in the shower??

Lorayne said...

you are crazy! this kid is gonna grow up and sue you for crippling his self esteem. Does PRIVACY mean anything to you!?
Ha ha just kidding ... you make me smile! Thanks for sharing your home life with us all