Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sydney has a new thing where she gets nervous if she doesn't know EXACTLY where I am in the house at EVERY moment. It is getting very very very old. "I'm in the bathroom, Sydney!". "I'm in my closet, Syd!". "I'm on the other side of the wall, Sydney!". And so forth. ALL DAY LONG.

So today, in a moment of frustration and bad, immature Mommy-ness...I yelled back at her..."GROW UP, WOULDYA?"!!!!!

And she came to me with these sad eyes and said, "But Mom, when I turned six and lost two teeth, you told me to STOP growing up".


1 comment:

Jen said...

wait, what she lost teeth and you didn't blog about it?? come on! get a picture up would ya?