HOWEVER, when it comes to school and homework...I love to get down & dirty with details. I love to take the subjects & projects that they have brought home & really dig deeper to explore each topic with them. I would probably be a great homeschool mom. Except that I don't have the patience or inclination to have them home with me all year long. And I really like wine with lunch.
Sydney's class is discovering Native Americans during November. We've spent some time looking on the computer to really get a handle on what life was like back in "those days". I mean the 1600s and 1700s. I realize that there are still Native Americans today. Calm down.
I don't really censor what we see when it comes to academics. Syd's seen the occasional picture of a scalping, the gutting of a deer in front of the old wigwam, etc. It wasn't until tonight when she was doing a drawing for a school project, though, that I realized I should maybe have left out the parts where many of them weren't wearing shirts.
this is too funny!!! Gotta love that girl!!
I love that she added the breasts, but no arms or feet! So, what were the comments by from Mrs. Darois????
you guys are awesome!!!
She had on a "Sharpie shirt" by the time she arrived to school! Jen was nice enough to send me the link to the blog so I could check it out! Sydney was horrified that I saw it....
Well, on the upside, I think she has some artistic talent... she must have gotten that from YOUR side of the family...
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