I've finally done it! I can feel it...this is the year! Mother of the Year award! Banners! Confetti! I'm clearing a space on the mantle for the trophy!
I already look back at old posts to laugh about some of our finer moments around here, and I just knew this one had to make the cut.
Things have just been a little "off" all afternoon. The kids got off the bus at the neighbors without asking first, then they helped themselves to her snacks without asking, then Sydney got dramatic about something or other or nothing or whathaveyou. While they are super cute, they can get super on my last super nerve. It was definitely one of those nights where 8:00 wasn't gonna cut it, so I was shooting for more like, oh, say 6:15?
So here it was getting toward 9:00, and I had given my UMPTEENTH MILLIONTH reminder about brushing teeth and jammies and peeing and and and. And then Colin wanted a drink. And not just any drink. Apple juice. But we don't have apple juice. I have milk, chocolate milk, orange juice, and he was certainly welcome to help himself to the Captain Morgan. Nope. Juice. Then, of course, I realized that he actually HAD finally gotten to his teeth, so any of the above choices were not going to work.
So, water. Water it is. With my best heavy *sigh*, I slammed open the drawer with the plastic cups, got one out, poured him some water, and slammed the cup on the counter.
Pause. Looking at the cup.
"Mom, really? Plain? Plain? Plain water? That's it?"
That's when I leaned down and SPIT IN IT.
"There, now it's not plain anymore. Now it's got SPIT in it".
You shoulda seen his face. Then you shoulda seen Sydney's face. Then you shoulda heard the silence. Then you shoulda been there when we all HIT THE FLOOR laughing.
Gee, I really hope they spell my name right on my trophy. Or does it just say "#1 Mom"?
All I have to say is...
hahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahah grab my stomach, hahahahahahahahahhahahaha!
I'm No. 1 kid
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