Sunday, March 02, 2008

It's a great day to be alive...

So--being Colin is a GREAT thing mostofthetime. Today, however, is a different story. He's enduring the tail end of a bout with Fifth Disease (for a good time--head here ) which has left him a little drained and covered in a lacy rash from head to toe. He was just starting to rally after a lowkey day yesterday when....

....he decided it would be fun to plow the driveway with Daddy without the added benefit of wearing a seatbelt. HA! At this point in the winter, you just have to gun it & kinda throw the snow over the bank.
Well-- Colin's forehead + dashboard == Klingon from Star Trek. I just know that it's gonna look worse tomorrow, and if it does... I will laugh. Err..I mean...I will post new pictures.

1 comment:

~katie. said...

I like how he's trying to smile in the picture. Poor kid!