Warning--this post will make SO MUCH MORE SENSE if you read the one below from earlier today FIRST.
Okay. Let's continue. Just looked out the window. There's a TURKEY at the birdfeeder. A frickin' turkey, dude!!!
Between this and all of the really cool birds that have come into the yard today...I'm just saying that I don't even think I'll be shocked if I look out there tomorrow morning and see an emu feeding in the rock garden. And then tomorrow's post will go something like, "there was an EMU at the birdfeeder this morning. A frickin' EMU, dude!!".
Ok the Barker boys---- since they helped in this project---- feel pretty confident that they have special powers in the "birdfeeder arena"--they mentioned to expect Big Bird tomorrow...
turkeys...at your house?? we never had turkeys when we lived there...well, if we did I never saw them. Maybe I ate one and didn't know where it came from! :)
ps, I linked you......HAPPY
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