I once read an article by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist & Newsweek columnist Anna Quindlen where she wrote about a particular photograph that she has from when her kids were little. In the picture, the kids were having a picnic in the grass. I believe they were sitting under a hammock. Anyhow--what stuck with me was how she was lamenting the fact that she loves that picture, but it's bittersweet because she can't remember more of what really mattered that day. What the kids were eating. How the wind felt on her face. What they were talking about right before the picture was snapped.
Well, I had an Anna Quindlen moment (I WISH I were half the writer!) today. I was out in the perfect New Hampshire 65 degree spring weather doing "airplane rides" with the kids. And suddenly my heart hurt because I realized that there will come a day when not only am I not going to be able to lift them in the air on my feet & hear there hysterical giggles...but they won't ask me to anymore. So here's my best attempt at making sure that doesn't happen.
And for the record, we were talking about water balloons right before we took the pictures. And when Colin first got up in the air for his first turn he said "hold on, I need to go pee first!" and Sydney asked to get down real quick so that she could go get some string cheese. So typical. So perfect. So blessed.
Hope you all had a moment like this somewhere in your day today.
Cutest pictures EVER!!
Now that the semester is over, I've got to get more on the ball about posting comments. I just love hearing about your days! I look forward to being closer by-- three more months!
I remember reading that Anna Quindlen excerpt and feeling so incredibly sad, because forgetting our childrens' moments seems unavoidable. Do you have ANY idea how much your kids are going to appreciate your journaling? Liza frequently asks me questions about her younger self, and I honestly don't remember our day to day life. You've (almost) inspired me to journal.... :)
And your kids are adorable!
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