Friday, October 23, 2009

Scared? Or just backed up?

We have movie night on Friday around here...which is movies, popcorn, sleeping bags, and then the kids get to sleep in the living room. It's fun, and always something we all look forward to.

Tonight we are watching Firehouse Dog. There was a part about 10 minutes in where it's not scary, really, the screen just gets dark & the music gets all ominous for a second. I was in the kitchen getting drinks and I heard Sydney say...

"Colin! Colin! Hold my hand for a second during this part---I think my belly is getting scared!". And then I heard the music die down & the scary part was over. Then, as I came around the corner, I heard her say, "Oh, wait...I'm not SCARED, I need to POOP! Hey, pause it, wouldya?!". HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....

Potty humor will never get old. And Sydney will never stop saying we should be covered.

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