Yesterday was Pooch's BIRTHDAY! Pooch's THIRD birthday! And there was a small to-do over here. As there is every year. There was a general degradation of Pooch' pride. Cause that's how we roll..................
We have always put our dogs and other pets in a tough spot each year. Pooch is probably dying to tell his friends that his way-cool humans throw him a party with presents and hats and decorations every year to celebrate. There's always even a peanut butter dog cake with peanut butter frosting---which is more than a little like a peanut butter brick with peanut butter on top.
The only problem with the P-man bragging about his party would be that he would then have to confess that he has to wear an outfit each time. A little cutie-patootie birthday outfit. And then be photographed repeatedly. And then those blasted humans put it out on the internet.
So, that usually leaves Pooch going "la la la...what? what birthday?".
Happy Birthday, Pooch! You don't look a DAY over 2!
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