Friday, April 16, 2010

Sydney loves to "pretend talk" to her "pretend friends" on my cell phone like ALL DAY LONG. If ever I can't find my phone, I check Syd's purse. Or jacket. Or turn her upside down & shake out her pockets.

I overheard her all-too-familiar chatter last night while she was in the tub. I was NOT looking forward to finding out that the little monster had taken MY CELL PHONE into the bathtub with her.

Opened the door and saw THIS.

"Mom,look! I made a hands-free phone! And when I'm done, I just hang up & brush my teeth!".

And this is, I'm sure, just how Bluetooth started...


Jen said...

That it GREAT!!! last summer my girls took plastic hangers and broke them, then they took the hook part, hung it on their ear and would chat way...while they were riding bikes or scooters up and down the road. I asked one day why they were breaking the hangers, the reply "Mom, it's our blue tooth!!" yeah, they have great imaginations!!

The Duecks said...

Brilliant! Miss you and your crazy stories!

Lorayne said...

clever that one!