Monday, June 16, 2008

summah, summah, summah-time!!

Reasons why I do NOT buy Fluff during the school year:

1. Fluff should only be eaten with Wonder bread. Spreading Fluff on Wonder bread is frustrating, as it tears the bread into little sticky shreds. You always end up chucking a piece or two into the trash can. Who has time for that on a school morning?

2. Your kid WILL have Fluff spread on both of the sides of his or her mouth & extending outward to the ears for the rest of the school day. It will be cute for a minute, but then he or she will go to recess, art class, and gym and will be wearing a gray/black mask that now makes all who see him or her cross to the other side of the hall when passing.

3. You've got to hide your redneck better than that. Sending your kid to school with a Fluffernutter on Wonder bread is like sending your kid to school with 11 sugar packets and a can of Red Bull. It's just irresponsible.

So, summer's finally here. Bought this stuff yesterday. Fluffernutters abound. And the only thing better than scraping those little suckers off the roof of your mouth with your pinky finger is hearing Sydney laugh out loud every time she says "fluffernutter".

Thursday, June 12, 2008

just because cute are THEY?????

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Okay--as promised--something about the trip to Florida. I went with my friend Shell (call her Shelly if you see her, though...she loves that), and we had a ridiculous amount of fun. We rented a convertible, cooked fat steaks on the grill, snorkeled for HOURS, laid around the pool, got really tan & hot lookin', and wanna hear the best part???? NO ONE called either of us Mommy for THREE WHOLE DAYS. Bliss.

I wanted to attach pictures, but realized that most of them are of two women who thought it was a good idea to be at a public beach in a bikini. Yeah--not gonna share those. I also realized that due to the extensive relaxation that was going on, neither of us actually put any makeup on until the plane ride home...which made for some rather unattractive photos as well. So--here's a couple. One in the convertible looking all young & cool, and another couple of us at a carnival that we skidded & did a U-turn over four lanes of traffic to attend.

Good times. Going back.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Sydney got a little pedicure today, then announced that she'd "like to show the world her toes".

So, "world"----here are Syd's toes. The glittery shoes are just the icing on the cake, dontcha think?

Friday, June 06, 2008

Mr. Smarty Pants

I went as a chaperone on a field trip to the zoo with Colin & his class this week. Wanted to share this little story:

They had a 20 minute Live Animal Show at the outdoor amphitheater thingy, and the zookeeper brought out 4 animals to share with the kids. First was a porcupine, then a parrot, then a lizard thing, then a really cool monkey. After each presentation, she would stop and do a Q & A with the kids RE: what they had just seen. As Colin is rarely fully "present" during long drawnout instruction, I knew I was in the clear as far as that went.

Well, she had told the kids at the beginning that the porcupine was nocturnal, and informed them that it meant that those little guys played all night and slept all day. The show was coming to a close, and Colin raised his hand. Crap. I had a mini-stroke, then just chanted please don't ask something stupid or weird please don't ask something stupid or weird please don't ask something stupid or weird a few times in my head.

"Yes, little man?" says the zookeeper. Colin, head tilted and looking a little confused, "ummmm....why's the porcupine awake right now?".

Colin had clearly been wondering that very thing since 20 minutes before, and it took his little self that whole time to get up the nerve to ask a question. Out loud. In front of people. To a stranger. So, as the whole place erupted in a round of "wow--good question!'s", I just beamed with pride. You're the man, C.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Treading water...

I had a lousy morning. Every single thing I needed to get accomplished was getting slowed down & hampered by some stupid thing all morning. I needed to do a bunch of work on the computer...couldn't get an internet connection. Needed to get a bunch of laundry done...washer wasn't emptying properly. Couldn't find a phone # for a call I really needed to make. It's not that anything was going wrong, per se. I was just feeling like I was treading water & waiting for things to correct themselves so that I could move on with my to-do list.

...and then Sydney came around the corner of the office like this...

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Lots to write. Will write when I'm caught up. Had a FUN trip to Florida.