Monday, August 25, 2008

uh oh

Syd's been practicing her letters and whatnot as she is getting so excited for school to start back up. Just went down to the playroom & found this on the chalkboard.
Guess we'll be having "the talk" sooner, rather than later with that one!

Monday, August 18, 2008

That' so WHACK...

So, that's my leg. Hacked it to pieces with a weedwhacker on Saturday. Laughing yet? Yeah--not funny. MAY be funny soon, but not funny yet.

I was happily whacking the weeds, when I whacked off the top of a hornet's nest. Got stung. Went to get spray, sprayed to kill 'em, then turned around to fuss with the weedwhacker to get back to what I was doing. Ya know how when you put your hand on a hot pan handle, it takes your brain a second to realize that, um, yeah, bytheway...your hand is on fire? Well---it took a minute for that same synapse to fire and let me know that my THUMB was on the trigger, and that searing pain? YEAH...that was my leg being ripped to shreds.

The picture doesn't even do it justice, because you can't see how deep a couple of those are. And because it was taken before the bruising (from the velocity with which the damn thing hit my leg) had appeare. Oh, and there's no audio to hear me alternate between sobbing and screaming curse words.

Best part? (aside from the fact that I actually WAS intending to wear shorts some more this summer?) Had a terrible reaction to the sting...hand swollen and ridiculously painful. AND had to get a tetanus shot---which resulted in a case of hives. Nice spread out itchy ones. AND...I realized later that night that my underwear had been on inside out all day. Not even kidding.

We're gonna just forget Saturday ever happened.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Colin's TOOTH!

Colin lost a tooth! Colin lost a tooth! Colin lost a tooth! Finally.

Seriously. This kid has been waiting since the first day of first grade last year...when he first saw the blasted "tooth chart" on the wall. Every single kid in his class made that stupid chart last year---some with their second or third lost teeth! It all went down with very little fanfare. Grandad came over & pulled it. Colin was a little shocked, though, because he just kinda thought he was gonna take a look in there, and then all of a sudden---it was in his hand!!
We laughed the next day because Colin came down to our bed with his bag of loot & the card from the tooth fairy in his hands--still unopened. He had a kinda dazed look on his face, mostly because while he was pretty sure that the whole "fairy" thing wasn't really the HECK was he supposed to explain the M&M's and the money. And, ummmm....where'd my tooth go? Sydney, on the other hand, would have had everything ripped open, eaten, and would be standing over us with a pair of pliers to see if we could maybe figure out how to get her some more money under her pillow??
Congrats, buddy!!


I was just uploading some old stuff on my camera & found these pictures from a couple of weeks ago. Eric & I were gone overnight, and our DEAR babysitter Kelsey was here with the kiddos. We came home to find the living room transformed into a blanket fort...thanks for that Kelsey, by the way! Found these, so thought I'd share. Those kids are so blessed to have Kels in their lives.

Let's hope she'll still be speaking to us after she sees that I just posted pics of her in jammies and without makeup for the whole world to see. Sorry!