Monday, October 26, 2009

My kids are nerds. There--it's out there on the table. Nerds. You need to understand that I do not at all feel that it's a bad thing. It's just a true thing. See, we go to lots of museums. And historical whatnots. And places where there's not a whole lot to do other than read signs about things are a) dead b) about to be dead c) extinct or at least d) very old. And we like it. All of us--even Sydney. Sydney who has (on her good days) the attention span of a hummingbird after his morning espresso. She oohs, ahhs, and manages to keep up and stay interested as Colin stops to read EVERY. BLESSED. SIGN. along the way.

Yesterday, we went to a place called Plimoth Plantation. Well--you can read it for yourself. There. Check it out. Anyhow...cliff notes? It's a re-creation of a 1627 English farming village in the middle of the Wampanoag homeland. You are able to visit not only the settlement, but also the native's village. It is SO COOL. (See--told ya we're nerds) Colin has been doing the whole Mayflower/Pilgrims thing in class, so a trip seemed like a great idea. He was able to really get a handle on how things worked back in 1620 and Thanksgiving and the Mayflower and all of the rest of it really came alive for him. There are "residents" along the way, and I've gotta tell you...they literally will NOT break character. You could walk up and stick a wet finger in their ear, and their little British accents & Olde English chatter wouldn't skip a beat.

Colin had many great questions, and did a great job of stepping right up and articulating them. He asked about how the boys learned to hunt, where the children would have gone to school (they didn't then--he thought that was cool), and how church worked.

Sydney? Ah, Sydney. First, she was absolutely mortified that the Natives had no pants on, Mom! No pants! Not for nothing, but I was really trying as hard as I could to see what was going on there under the little flap of cloth, because REALLY? I was looking at bare butt---one stiff wind, and I can't believe I wouldn't have seen things I would've had to later confess to Eric. Anyhow--I digress.

Once she got over the pants-less-ness of it all, we moved over to the English settlement. She noticed after visiting a few little houses that everyone seemed to have a clay pot under their beds. She thought it was funny that they ate in bed, and then I had to gently break the word chamberpot to her. Grimace. Giggles. More giggles. And sure enough---she raised her little hand, said "excuse me" and proceeded to fire off "where do you guys empty your potty-pots?". Without hesitation, Little Miss Pilgrim went into a far-too-detailed explanation of the "community dung pile". Thanks, lady, for that.

And then? She told us how they actually SAVED the urine, put it in a large whiskey barrel, let it ferment, and then it turned to lye--which was used to make soap. HA! If you think that Sydney did not fall onto that dirt floor right then & there when she found out that they were washing their hands with PEE'd be incorrect.

We then went over to the waterfront and toured a replica of the original Mayflower. Again, the kids were enthralled. Sydney was a little loud in her protestation that this ship wasn't actually going to TAKE us anywhere...but she was still into it. Colin asked another great question of the navigator, and got to sit with him and learn how all of the tools worked on the boat. Good stuff.

Overall, it was a great day. I think we all learned a little something. I would imagine you did, too. I mean...don't even ACT like you knew you could make soap outta pee?!!!

Another great day. Love being Mom to these guys.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Scared? Or just backed up?

We have movie night on Friday around here...which is movies, popcorn, sleeping bags, and then the kids get to sleep in the living room. It's fun, and always something we all look forward to.

Tonight we are watching Firehouse Dog. There was a part about 10 minutes in where it's not scary, really, the screen just gets dark & the music gets all ominous for a second. I was in the kitchen getting drinks and I heard Sydney say...

"Colin! Colin! Hold my hand for a second during this part---I think my belly is getting scared!". And then I heard the music die down & the scary part was over. Then, as I came around the corner, I heard her say, "Oh, wait...I'm not SCARED, I need to POOP! Hey, pause it, wouldya?!". HAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....

Potty humor will never get old. And Sydney will never stop saying we should be covered.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Fall is HERE!! It's official! We were having a little mini photo shoot for a church thing with the kids and some of their friends today, and it ended up just being a mad hour-long playtime...and a GREAT reminder of why fall in New England is actually so very cool. Even if it did snow in OCTOBER yesterday.

AND--know what else? Michigan KILLED Delaware on Saturday. THEN, yesterday? Tom Brady & the Patriots not only broke records all over the place, but they did it in the SNOW just like old times. I thought this weekend was pretty great, but--nope--today was even better!

(Thanks, Lisa, for the pictures...I remembered snacks & shin guards for soccer...I should get a pass on forgetting my camera, yes?!)

Monday, October 12, 2009

We had our friends over today for a pumpkin carving party! Note to any of you planning a pumpkin carving party with 5 kids under the age of 8---SCOOP THE JUNK OUT FIRST. We would seriously still be standing out there right now working on these things if we hadn't done that first. As it was, it was really 2 Mommies carving pumpkins while 5 kids were playing soccer in the yard. The kids DID choose what they wanted, though.

Which leads me to:

Colin chose the ghost...intricate, took time & patience, detailed and interesting. Sydney chose the smiley face which made it look like if you listen veeery closely, you can hear the pumpkin say "ah-hyuck, doy??".

Thursday, October 08, 2009

WOO HOO!!! It's a pet-a-palooza around here!

Meet the newest member of the family...Cutie Patootie!!

There were many names batted around; Bun-Bun, Bunny M. Bunnelsworth, Fanny Le Bun, Here Kitty Kitty, and so on. The reason why we settled on Cutie Patootie? Well, we all kinda agreed that's what we are going to always call the flipping thing, Cutie it is!! Except you have to say it in a baby voice with your lips all puckered like "Cutie Patootie doo-dee-doodle-da-doo-dee". Yeah--you've got it!

And Sydney will have Cutie dressed up in doll clothes at a tea party in

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Yesterday was Pooch's BIRTHDAY! Pooch's THIRD birthday! And there was a small to-do over here. As there is every year. There was a general degradation of Pooch' pride. Cause that's how we roll..................

We have always put our dogs and other pets in a tough spot each year. Pooch is probably dying to tell his friends that his way-cool humans throw him a party with presents and hats and decorations every year to celebrate. There's always even a peanut butter dog cake with peanut butter frosting---which is more than a little like a peanut butter brick with peanut butter on top.

The only problem with the P-man bragging about his party would be that he would then have to confess that he has to wear an outfit each time. A little cutie-patootie birthday outfit. And then be photographed repeatedly. And then those blasted humans put it out on the internet.

So, that usually leaves Pooch going "la la la...what? what birthday?".

Happy Birthday, Pooch! You don't look a DAY over 2!